by support | Dec 15, 2009 | Influencing Skills, Personal Mastery
In her book Training to Imagine, the author, Kat Koppet, recounts the following tale: “John Lennon met Yoko Ono at a showing of her artwork in New York. He browsed and eventually came upon a magnifying glass, which was hanging from the ceiling. Below it, Ono had...
by support | Oct 26, 2009 | Skills For Personal Business Success, Training Box Occasional Blog
Follow these three simple tips: 1.Dress the part: even if no-one can see you. What you wear impacts the way you sit or stand and this in turn impacts how you sound. 2.Smile: smiling changes the facial muscles. This translates into a friendlier, happier voice that...
by support | Oct 20, 2009 | Voice And Breathing
Even though the human voice is such an important part of how we communicate our thoughts, beliefs and feelings, only very few people ever bother to train and develop the power of this persuasive ‘transmitter’. If you have never thought about your voice and the impact...
by support | Jun 29, 2009 | Personal Presence, Presentations And Public Speaking
Getting the words right is not just important for public speakers. Every day we have the opportunity to influence others in our conversations at work and at home, at meetings and perhaps during presentations. The words you choose and use are the basic building blocks...
by support | Jun 26, 2009 | Personal Mastery, Skills For Personal Business Success
Inner dialogue is how you formulate your thoughts in your own mind. Does the way in which you conduct this conversation with yourself impact the actions you eventually choose to take? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”. If you typically conduct a more negative or...