by support | Apr 18, 2011 | Influencing Skills, Interpersonal Communication
“Rapport: a process of establishing and maintaining a relationship of mutual trust between two or more parties.” Genie Z Laborde We all know that communication is about more than the content level. Empathy and mutual understanding can do a lot to build the...
by support | Apr 18, 2011 | Influencing Skills, Personal Mastery
Achieve success or avoid failure? Do you work towards or strive to move away from something? This very powerful filter – away from or towards – influences our preparation for, and commitment to, goals and our subsequent likelihood of achieving what we want. Like...
by support | Nov 2, 2010 | Influencing Skills, Interpersonal Communication
“Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak. ” Epictetus In his book, “Emotional Intelligence” (1995), author Daniel Goleman talks about the skill of non-defensive listening and speaking. He says, “The most powerful...
by support | Dec 15, 2009 | Influencing Skills, Personal Mastery
In her book Training to Imagine, the author, Kat Koppet, recounts the following tale: “John Lennon met Yoko Ono at a showing of her artwork in New York. He browsed and eventually came upon a magnifying glass, which was hanging from the ceiling. Below it, Ono had...