Leadership Training for Improved Performance Management
Training and coaching for performance excellenceImproving your business performance
Like all successful business professionals, we understand the value of continuous improvement and learning. You need to play to your strengths to stay ahead in competitive environments and regularly target and develop the areas where there is a recognised need for improvement. This is what enables successful individuals to take their careers and their companies to the next level.
Whether you are taking your first steps in the corporate or SME world, or you are already a senior manager or even an experienced entrepreneur, The Training Box will provide you with great leadership management training and executive coaching to enhance your professional skill set.
Leadership Training & Coaching
Effective leadership requires leaders who create a vision for the future, energising those around them and developing a sense of direction and purpose. Successful leaders set the pace through clearly articulated expectations and establish an environment of continuous improvement, providing that sometimes indefinable human touch.
There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ leadership style. For example, you cannot always expect your co-workers to automatically activate themselves and give excellent performance just by telling them what to do. In each and every context, a number of things have to be taken into account: the needs of the organisation and the stakeholders, the nature of the task, the desired result, and the person or people who are supposed to deliver that result.

Leadership in the Workplace
Becoming more authentic and inspirational as a leader means adapting your communication and leadership style; it means knowing the right time to tell or when to be persuasive; when to open up the floor to discussion and invite participation; when to mentor and when to coach. Inspirational leaders care about improving the thinking of their people and not just the processes, enabling them to think instead of thinking for them.
The Training Box is here to help with leadership training and coaching. Our approach is to support your understanding of your own style and natural preferences and to coach you, mentor you and support you on your journey to being a more effective leader.