52 Brilliant Communication Tips
(The Training Box, 2011)
by Maureen Steele
RRP £16.99 plus postage and packing
Buy your copy of the book and go at your own pace as you work through the ten communication focus areas, dipping in and out very easily in whatever order makes sense to you.
52 Brilliant Communication Tips is the perfect book to help you master your communication challenges. Designed as an easy to read, self-study guide, the format is great to keep on your desk or in your briefcase. You can choose to go through it in one sitting or more gradually, one tip at a time. Use this book as your guide to excellence in communication in the year ahead and you will be amazed at the difference following these tips can make.
“This book “walks the talk” – brilliant communication in action! It won’t take a year to read it, but it certainly contains a year’s worth of tips.”
Colin Barber
Business Coach, UK
“This book outlines the important elements of business communication in a very clear and coherent way. It’s a perfect manual to consult and refresh one’s knowledge.”
Mag. Regina Müller
Managing Director, Vienna
There is no real substitute for individual coaching or attending a training programme in person. However, this book can be a great way to kick-start awareness and get people working on their own development. If you would like to place an order for multiple copies for your colleagues, department or organisation, please write to us on info@thetrainingbox.eu.com with your details and we will provide an individual quote.