Persuasion and the art of influencing people (Part II)
In this edition, we continue the exploration into influential communication and positive persuasion begun in our October 2010 newsletter. Have you always thought of the power to persuade as an art? As communication experts, we would like to think so but perhaps we have to think again – and think more scientifically. Our tips this month point you in the direction of some highly influential further reading around this subject. Enjoy!
Tips out of The Training Box
The science of influencing
If influencing others isn’t
luck or magic – could it be
science? Discover Robert
Cialdini’s six “Weapons of
Influence” and experiment
with your own formula.
The language of influencing Discover how the right words
can get you a person’s
complete attention and place
you both on the SAME
The power of rapport
In order to sell a product or a service, or to influence ethically how someone thinks or behaves, there has to be trust and a good relationship. Find out how to build rapport.
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The Training Box Quick Fix
In her book “NLP at Work”, Sue Knight says “Enriched communication is the essence of motivation and commitment.” We have chosen three of the most important ways you can enrich your communication, appealing to the eyes, ears and feelings of your listeners with your choice of words:
1. Use sensory specific language: make an impact on all of the senses and engage feelings and
emotions. Let your listeners hear the rumble of the gathering storm or leave a sweet taste in
their mouths.
2. Adapt your language to others preferences: matching someone’s own style or sensory
preference improves the chance of being understood. How can someone hear what you are
saying if they what they need is for you to paint them a picture?
3. Appeal to all the senses if you do not know the preference: if you are communicating to
a group or you do not know or cannot predict the natural preference, build in language that
appeals to a mix of all the senses.
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Soft skills for project managers
Being a great project manager is not just about operational and technical skills.
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New co-operation partner
Ama Coaching School provides flexible learning for people wanting practical skills, not just knowledge.
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