The Training Box Newsletter July 2017 No Images? Click here How to manage a “difficult” conversation![]() We have all experienced the need to hold the kind of workplace conversation that we would rather not have. It might be to give a client the bad news that a deadline will be missed or to provide a colleague or direct report with some feedback on an area of their work where their performance has not met expectations. In fact, there are multiple situations where it is important to find the right words to convey a potentially negative message accurately and constructively, ensuring that the conversation goes as smoothly as possible. The usual pattern is to delay or even to avoid this type of exchange altogether, especially when you are worried that the relationship with the other person might be damaged in some way. What you should be doing instead is to gear up and get ready to handle things in a way that produces the best possible outcome in the circumstances.
“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” Ambrose Bierce The Training Box TipsFlexible training and coaching solutionsTailor-made for youHow many people need communication coaching or training? Our solutions can be tailored to accommodate one person or many. Typically, we work with individuals, small to large groups or teams, and bigger audiences. ![]() Solutions matched to needsOur commitment is to work closely with you from the first consultation, through needs assessment and analysis to identify the right solution for you, your group and your budget. ![]() “When you show deep empathy toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it.” Stephen Covey |