Writing skills for job-seekers
Are you ready to “Spring into Action” this Easter and move on and find the ideal next step up the career ladder? Or perhaps – in these difficult economic times – the decision to look for a new post is not even your own choice. Whatever the case, completing your application is an integral part of this process, requiring excellent written communication skills. In this edition, we help you to be a successful applicant, with tips on how to write a CV and a good cover letter.
Tips out of The Training Box
First steps to a brilliant CV
To get that all important interview where you will have a chance to show off your superb interpersonal skills, you need a brilliant CV.
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CVs with visual impact
Content is crucial but so is the visual impact. Find out how to appeal to the eyes as well as the intellect and make your CV stand out.
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Cover letter as door opener
The cover letter makes that first and all-important impression so use its potential well.
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The Training Box Quick Fix
A traditional CV and the cover letter are the only parts of the job application process over which you have full control. Even this is being diminished when you apply on-line with standardised response boxes and limited word counts. No matter what the format, it is vital that you invest your time and energy in getting it right
1. There is no such thing as one definitive CV or cover letter: have a good final draft of each but it is essential to tailor what you send off to match the demands of each specific job application /employer.
2. The CV and cover letter are marketing tools: be sure to present your best experiences using positive language and don’t be shy about detailing your relevant skills and competencies.
3. Be concise and make every word count: it is demanding to write something that is both meaningful and compact but do focus on this to get the best result. With on-line applications, be sure to respect word count limits.
…and finally, ALWAYS check your grammar, punctuation and spelling!
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