The Training Box Newsletter November 2016 No Images? Click here Words matter - be authentic![]() At The Training Box, we like to stay abreast of current events. Reading about an important election which is the subject of intense international scrutiny, we recently came across this statement from a senior political adviser speaking in defence of his candidate “Oh please, this words matter stuff. This is ridiculous,” he said. “You are looking desperately for a reason not to vote for him.” (The candidate shall remain nameless.) All we can say is, “Really?!!??” When did words ever not matter, especially when it comes to authenticity and integrity – two factors that are highly likely to influence others and make a good impression?
“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen” Brené Brown The Training Box TipsArrange your free personal consultationOutline your needSend us an email or fill out the contact form. Provide a brief summary of what you are looking for and any key facts that will help us to respond to your questions. We’ll get back to you and set up a call. ![]() Proposal and offerThe initial consultation is FREE of charge. Based on the discussion, we will put together a written outline proposal and offer as a first step to enable you to decide if you would like to proceed. ![]() |